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Diamond Cut

Diamond Cut
GIA Cut Scale
Diamond Sparkle icon

Is Cut important for Diamonds and what Grade should I buy?

Of the 4c's, the diamonds Cut Grade is by far the most important. This is because it is the largest determining factor in what give a diamond its sparkle. Even D color flawless diamonds will appear dull and unattractive if the cut grade is low. The cut is important because each fo the facets and overall profile of the diamond have to be cut ideally to allow for light return. Improperly cut diamonds allows for light leakage, which prevents the diamonds beautiful sparkle. The factor is so important, at Kyllonen we only sell GIA Excellent Cut diamonds. However, the difference dont stop there.

Best Diamond to buy icon

Is a GIA Excellent or Triple Excellent the Best Diamond?

Unfortunately the answer is no. Just because you have a GIA Excellent or Triple Excellent does not mean you have the best cut diamond. In fact, there is quite a wide gap between a perfect cut diamond and a borderline Excellent cut from GIA, but they both receive the same grade of Excellent. The factors that affect the overall quality of the diamond can be seen in the diamonds anatomy and dimensions. Overall, determining what makes a diamond better than another is a complex process, which results in most consumers buying inferior diamonds. This is why at Kyllonen we will take the guess work out for you and handselect the best cut diamonds. Take a look below it what we use to determine the best cut diamonds.

Kyllonen Cut Grades

Ultimate Cut Diamonds are so rare, that we currently do not have them available online for purchase. To purchase you can visit our store or send us an email at and we can provide a special service for your purchase.


How do you grade Ultimate Cut Diamonds?

Ultimate Cut Diamonds are Graded using 3 different methods to determine their cut grade: mathematical measurements, Machine performace measurements, and expert examination.

What makes a Diamond a Perfect Cut?

In order to be a perfect cut diamond, the cutter must be a master diamond cutter. The master cutter must also be willing to sacrafice carat weight inorder to obtain the optimal cut. Each facet must be cut to perfection. This is why they are so rare and have a cost premium.

What Sets these Diamonds Apart from Other Diamonds?

Not only do Ultimate Cut Diamonds by Kyllonen have the following features:

Highest - Light Return, Fire, Scintillation, Sparkle, and Hearts & Arrows

Each characteristic must be the highest obtainable level. Nothing but the best.

Superior Cut Diamonds diamonds are a rare gem that very few in the world have. We are here to change that. The Superior Cut is our most popular cut diamond. Superior Cut diamonds have maximum light return and are a near perfect diamond. The Superior Cut Diamond will lightup and room they are in.


How do you grade Superior Cut Diamonds?

Superior Cut Diamonds are Graded using 3 different methods to determine their cut grade: mathematical measurements, Machine performace measurements, and expert examination.

What makes a Diamond a Superior Cut?

In order to be a perfect cut diamond, the cutter must be a master diamond cutter. The master cutter must also be willing to sacrafice carat weight inorder to obtain the optimal cut. Superior Cut diamonds differ from Ultimate Cut diamonds due to perfect Hearts and Arrows rather than excellent hearts and arrows.

What Sets these Diamonds Apart from Other Diamonds?

Superior Cut Diamonds by Kyllonen measure the following characteristics:

 Light Return, Fire, Scintillation, Sparkle, and Hearts & Arrows

To be a Superior Cut Diamond All but one of these characteristics must be the highest level. Usually this ends up being H&A as it is less important.

Premium Cut Diamonds diamonds are better than the majority of all diamonds on the market, making them a rare diamond. This cut is the lowest cut available at Kyllonen, but better than most diamonds you see instores or online. Very little seperates a Premium Cut for s Superior Cut Diamond.

How do you grade Premium Cut Diamonds?

Premium Cut Diamonds are Graded using 3 different methods to determine their cut grade: mathematical measurements, Machine performace measurements, and expert examination.

What makes a Diamond a Premium Cut?

In order to be a premium cut diamond, the cutter must be a master diamond cutter. The master cutter must also be willing to sacrafice carat weight inorder to obtain an ideal cut. Premium Cut diamonds differ from Superior Cut by allowing 1 additonal characteristic to be below perfection.

What Sets these Diamonds Apart from Other Diamonds?

Premium Cut Diamonds by Kyllonen measure the following characteristics:

 Light Return, Fire, Scintillation, Sparkle, and Hearts & Arrows

To be a Premium Cut Diamond All but two of these characteristics must be the highest level.

Excellent Cut Diamonds(not to be confused with GIA Excellent Cut as our entire scale is composed with only GIA Excellent) These diamonds are relatively rare as there are better than your average cut diamond. Excellent Cut Diamonds tend to excel in a particular area or characteristic rather than a specific area. These diamonds tend to have trade names such as BIC or FIC


Why don't you carry Excellent Cut Diamonds?

At Kyllonen we do not carry Excellent Cut Diamonds because we feel there are too many characteristics that are falling below our optimal targets for beauty. All though these diamonds a beautiful in their own right( and often the best available from other retailers); We are in the business of providing the best.

Whats the Difference between an Excellent Cut and Premium Cut?

Excellent cuts tend to loose some of their light return, inorder to have higher characteristics such as fire. These diamonds are often called BICs (Brilliant Ideal Cut) and FICs (Fiery Ideal Cut).

What are the Characteristics of Excellent Cut Diamonds?

Excellent Cut Diamonds have the following following characteristics:

 Light Return, Fire, Scintillation, Sparkle

Each Excellent Cut Diamond has these characteristics and depending on the anatomy of the diamond, they will display more of one characteristic than another, such as fire. Fire versus Light return are often the trade-offs.

Very Good Cut Diamonds(not to be confused with GIA Very Good Cut as our entire scale is composed with only GIA Excellent) These diamonds are your average GIA Excellent Cut. These diamonds are the most common diamonds you see available by other retailers.


Why don't you carry Very Good Cut Diamonds?

At Kyllonen we do not carry Very Good Cut Diamonds because we feel there are too many characteristics that are falling below our optimal targets for beauty and Light Return. Although these diamonds a beautiful in their own right, We are in the business of providing the best.

Whats the Difference between an Very Good and Excellent Cut?

Very Good Cut tends to fall below ideal ranges for TIC, BIC and FIC diamonds. These means the cut is very good, but not quite to a level that has a special quality.

What are the Characteristics of Very Cut Diamonds?

Very Good Cut Diamonds have the following following characteristics:

 Light Return, Fire, Scintillation, Sparkle

Each Very Cut Diamond has these characteristics and depending on the anatomy of the diamond, they will display more of one characteristic than another, such as fire. Often have average light return.

Good/Fair Cut Diamonds(not to be confused with GIA Good Cut as our entire scale is composed with only GIA Excellent) These diamonds are often a bargin price from other retailers who sell GIA Excellent Diamonds.


Why don't you carry Good/Fair Cut Diamonds?

At Kyllonen we do not carry Good/Fair Cut Diamonds because we feel there are too many characteristics that are falling below our optimal targets for beauty and Light Return. Although these diamonds a beautiful in their own right, We are in the business of providing the best.

Difference between an Good/Fair Cut and Cuts Carried by Kyllonen

Good/Fair cuts are not bad diamonds, they are still beautiful. However, there beauty does not compare to the beauty of Diamond carried by Kyllonen. If you have a Good/Fair Cut we can upgrade it for you.

What are the Characteristics of Very Cut Diamonds?

Good/Fair Cut Diamonds have the following following characteristics:

 Light Return, Fire, Scintillation, Sparkle

Each Good/Fair Cut Diamond has these characteristics and depending on the anatomy of the diamond, they will display more of one characteristic than another. Often these diamonds have average light return.

Poor Cut Diamonds(not to be confused with GIA PoorCut as our entire scale is composed with only GIA Excellent) These diamonds are often at super bargin prices from other retailers who sell GIA Excellent Diamonds.


Why don't you carry Poor Cut Diamonds?

At Kyllonen we do not carry Poor Cut Diamonds because we feel there are too many characteristics that are falling well below our optimal targets for beauty and Light Return. These diamonds are often similar to GIA Very Good Cut

Difference between an Poor Cut and Cuts Carried by Kyllonen

Poor cuts are not bad diamonds, they are still beautiful. However, there beauty does not compare to the beauty of Diamond carried by Kyllonen. These diamonds are still not recommended by us. If you have a Poor Cut we can upgrade it for you.

What are the Characteristics of Poor Cut Diamonds?

Good/Fair Cut Diamonds have the following following characteristics:

 Light Return, Fire, Scintillation, Sparkle

Each Poor Cut Diamond has these characteristics and depending on the anatomy of the diamond, they will display more of one characteristic than another. Often these diamonds have average light return and display very little of the other characteristics.

Kyllonen Diamond Grading Scale

Perfect Cut Diamond

Ultimate Cut Diamond

Perfect Arrows on H&A Diamond

Ultimate Cut Diamond Arrows View

Perfect Hearts on Diamond

Ultimate Cut Diamond Hearts View

Perfect Diamond Cut Proportions

Porportions of an Ultimate Cut Diamond

Here you can see an example of proportions of a Ultimate Cut Diamonds by Kyllonen. Each percentage and degree makes a significant difference in the overall beauty of a diamond. However, there is a small range within these measurements which allow a diamond to qualify for Ultimate.


Hearts and Arrows

Arrows are a phenomenon that was discovered in the 1970s in Japan by Kazumi Okuda. A pattern of 8 hearts and 8 arrows is a display of Optical symmetry. The difference between and Ultimate Cut and a Superior Cut is often not light return, but the difference of displyaing perfect Hearts and Arrows. Hearts and If you would like to know more about about Hearts and Arrows cut Diamonds you can click here.

If you want to better understand each part of the diamond and there names you can see the chart below, which gives the terminology of the different antomical aspects that makes up a diamond.

GIA Anatomy of a Diamond

Diamond Cut Anatomy

Here you can see the different components which make up the cut of the diamond. We will go through these elements to have a better understanding of each.


Table - This is the flat top surface of the diamond and is usually measured as a percentagle.

Depth - This is the total height of the diamond and is also measured as a percentage.

Girdle - This what seperates the pavilion and crown. Have a too thick or thin of a girdle is not ideal, especially with Brilliant Round Cut diamonds.

Crown Angle - This is the angle created between the girdle and the table.

Pavilion Angle - This is the angle created between the girdle and the pavilion.

Star Length - This is the total length of the star facet.

Cutlet - This is less common in modern diamonds as some older diamonds where not pointed at the bottom.

If you like to see our beautiful selection of Diamond Jewelry

For More Information

Diamond Clarity

Diamond Carats

Diamond Color

Hearts and Arrows